2023 Thanksgiving traditions
It's a quiz about Thanksgiving traditions.
genom Cerise24
19 frågor
1. When is Thanksgiving ?
a 25th december
b The 4th Thursday in november
c 4th november
d 27 october
2. What animal does the president of the USA pardons in front of the White House ?
a The president of the Usa pardonning a chicken
b The president of the USA pardonning a duck
c The president of the USA a turkey
d The president of the USa pardonning a fish
3. Which sport is associated with Thaksgiving ?
a The sport is Football
b This is Soccer
c This is Basketball
d The sport is Tennis
4. When is black Friday ?
a Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving
b This is the day before Thanksgiving
c This is the Friday before Thanksgiving
d The black Friday is the thursday after Thanksgiving
5. What does the black in black Friday mean ?
a They just take a color
b They like this color
c Because the black is the color of credit
d Because black is beautiful
6. Which temps plays against each year at Thanksgiving ?
a The team is the Dallas Cowboys and the Detroit Lions
b That the Black cat and the White dogs
c This is the Cowboys and the Lions
d This is the big Turkeys and the small snakes
7. What is the english for "chaque année" ?
a Eash year
b Each year
c Every year
d Everi year
8. What is the english for "la maison blanche" ?
a This is the Withe House
b This is the White Ouse
c This is the Vhite House
d This is the White House
9. Why people go crazy at the black Friday ?
a Then in store everything is cheaper, on slae or discount.
b They go crazy then this is the day after Thanksgiving
c Then everything is free.
d They go crazy then every people go to the zoo
10. What does Americans people in Thanksgiving afternoon ?
a They watch a football match and go to church.
b They watch anime
c They play sport games.
d They watch Christmas Film
11. Why the Americans people go church ?
a They go to the chuch to an interfaight service to organise fundraising and charity
b They go to the church to digest her meal
c They go to the church to say a prayer after the meal
d They go church to be relax
12. At Thanksgiving Americans people give meals and gift to ?
a They give meals and gift to homeless,poor and old people
b They give meal and gift to every Americans
c They give meal and gift to rich people
d They give meal and gift to the USA celebrity
13. Amercican manly watch a parade but by who is organisated this parade ?
a This parade is organisated by the USA president
b The parade is organisated by associations
c The parade is organisated by macy's, a famous departement store
d This parade is organisated by a agency
14. What symbol is the pardonned turkeys ?
a That just pardonned turkeys this is not a symbol
b They are two special turkeys and they see the president of the USA
c The pardonned turkeys are normal turkeys and the president take one of this turkeys and pardonned them
d The pardonned turkeys are symbols in the name of the million turkeys wich are eaten each year for Thanksgiving
15. What is the french for "pardonned" ?
a Pardonner
b Prendre
c Grâcier
d Péter
16. What are the names of the two turkeys of this year ?
a They are named Liberty and Bella
b They are named Louisa and Bell
c They are named Liberty and Ben
d They are named Liberty and Bell
17. In what for condition live Liberty and Bell ?
a They lives as the other turkeys
b They lives in luxury hotel
c They lives in a house with other turkeys
d They live in a random place
18. Why Liberty and Bell listen musik ?
a They listen musik for fun
b They listen musik to spend the time
c They listen musik to get ready for the crowd and people along the way
d They listen musik to get ready for the applaus of manly people
19. How many turkeys are eaten each year ?
a A lot of turkeys
b 200 million turkeys are eaten each year
c 300 million turkeys are eaten each year
d 100million turkeys are eaten each year