2023 Thanksgiving traditions
Hello, in this quizz you can test your knowledge for Thanksgiving Tradition.
genom lina_gna
15 frågor
1. Who pardons two turkeys for Thanksgiving?
a The americans
b The president
c Nobody
d The 1st minister
2. What's on the menu for Thanksgiving dinner?
a A turkey
b Chiken
c A sheep
d A horse
3. Which sport watched the Americans after the meal?
a Swimming
b Basketball
c Ice hockey
d Football
4. Where do the turkeys sleep before the pardoning ceremony?
a In a car
b In the White House
c In a Luxury Hotel
d In a farm
5. When is Black Friday?
a The day after Thanksgiving
b The day before Thanksgiving
c The day of Thanksgiving
d One week After Thanksgiving
6. Which football teams can thé Americans Watch play each year ?
a The Dallas Cowboys and the Detroit Lions
b The Dallas Cowboys and Harvard
c The Detroit Lions and Harvard
d Yale and Harvard
7. When will Thanksgiving created?
a In 1621
b In 2012
c In 1789
d In 1940
8. What do the Americans do on Black friday?
a Sport
b Cook
c Work
d Shop
9. What do the Americans do in the Shops on Black friday?
a There Push and fight
b There make kiss
c There shop
10. What organise the American on Thanksgiving for the poor people or the old people?
a A party
b A fundraising and charity
c Invite to the Cinema
11. How many turkey are eaten every year in America?
a 200 milions
b 100 milions
c 2 milion
12. When is Thanksgiving celebrated in Canada?
a The 4th Tursday of November
b The 2st Monday of October
c The 4th Januar
13. What Not to do on Thanksgiving?
a Guising
b Cook pancake
c Give gifts like at Christmas
14. What is the color of Thanksgiving?
a Orange
b Red
c Yellow
15. What is the traditional dessert of Thanksgiving?
a Brownie
b Apple pie
c Donut
d Cheesecake